D E T O X bath
d e t o x 🛁 || Detox Baths are great way to support natural health at any age! ...Though you’re probably wondering what on earth a kiddo could possibly need to DETOX from? The reality is that the list of potentially harmful environmental toxins is almost endless: pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, + medications have all been found in potable water; soaps, shampoos + skin products are full of chemicals; toothpaste has fluoride; the vast majority of conventional foods/food products are treated with pesticides + contain GMO ingredients; foods are prepared + stored in products that contain Teflon, BPA, lead, aluminum, phthalates + melamine; vaccinations contain a cocktail of heavy metals + animal bi-products… exposure to these toxins are proven to contribute to mental + physical illnesses, infertility, allergies + asthma, cancer… (the list goes on.)
In a day-in-age where exposure to toxic substances is at an all-time high--our bodies become overloaded--leading to compromised immunity, fatigue, chronic illness + dis-ease. Our brilliant bodies are designed to detox naturally… The liver plays a big role in the detoxification process by converting toxins + metabolic waste to water-soluble compounds which can be eliminated through urine. Waste that cannot be excreted through urine is eliminated through bile/bowels. Additional toxins that missed the boat on the former methods may be eliminated through the skin/sweat.
Just as meditation is important to purify the mind, so is detoxing the physical body. We teach our children to be mindful when we discuss + demonstrate the importance of taking responsibility for our wellness + by valuing self-care. A simple yet powerful way to facilitate mindfulness during a detox bath, with your kiddo can be to bring their focus to their breath, + to visualise letting go of a worry with the bathwater [for example].
It’s important to remember to hydrate before + after the bath. Your child’s pores will be open after the bath, making them particularly vulnerable to the chemicals found in harsh soaps (best to avoid whenever possible, but particularly so after a detox bath).
:: t h e r e c i p e :: {add all to ingredients to bath water then add your little one}
•½ cup – Epsom salts (use more for children > 60lbs)
•½ cup – baking soda
•½ cup – apple cider vinegar (I diffused Essential Oils in the bathroom as my little guy doesn’t love the scent of AVC; you can add therapeutic grade EOs to the coconut oil if you prefer, just be sure research the properties + safety of any oil before using)
•½ cup – bentonite clay ::OR:: *food grade* diatomaceous earth
•1 Tbsp – coconut oil