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Defining Sovereign Birth--with a Christian Worldview
The word “sovereign” has become trendy as of late, as such its implied meaning with various uses, has become murky. I was recently asked...
The Risks of Ultrasound Exposure
A critical look at a normalized technology. U L T R A – S O U N D >> Ultrasound is a normalized technology routinely used during...
Resource:: Getting clear on your birth vision + interviewing your birth support
The women who invite me to witness them, and hold space for them in their sacred birthing time are certainly clear on what they want [and...
:: R E C I P E :: Lactation Cookies
[mother’s] M I L K + c o o k i e s || I’ve been curiously checking out ALL the lactation treats + supplements companies online lately......
Elimination Communication
During this pregnancy, I've consciously chosen to step into alignment with my highest values; specifically natural and connected...
The Gentle Birth Advantage
A lot of expecting parents are pretty familiar with the idea that the medicalization of labour can increase the risk of further...
D E T O X bath
d e t o x 🛁 || Detox Baths are great way to support natural health at any age! ...Though you’re probably wondering what on earth a kiddo...
H E L L O my name is...
H E L L O my name is… Michelle [from Mushaboom YYC]. I’m a Traditional Midwife, Lactation Consultant, birth photographer + mother to...
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